You've heard the phrase: "A picture is worth a thousand words" meaning a picture gives relatable context and helps build an emotional connection with the viewer.

Using (both innovative and) long-standing techniques to connect the environmental framing and overall mood with the photo's subject and motivation, Ben's timing is fundamental to his approach. He knows how to roll with changes and still get great images: the opportunities may be brief, the subjects may be uncomfortable or a challenge to conceptualize, but visual anchoring is always found. You can capitalize on it.

Based out of the Pacific Northwest (US), Ben's work has witnessed over 30,000 miles of the North American continent- with many locations reached only by rural routes, dusty roads and vanishing trails.

Diving head-first into the concept (and the impermanence) of beauty through abandoned infrastructure, finding long-forgotten passions and dreams and giving them some present-day context, Ben is very invested in finding the silver linings where they are often overlooked.

Reed knows that a professional is more than knowledge and technique. Being level-headed, fast-working and simply respectful is just as important for finding authentic context.